69 year old male patient with sob n bipedal edema

 This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputsThis e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome".

A 69 year old male patient was presented to opd with a chief complaint of SOB , BILATERAL PEDAL EDEMA. 

History of present illness:

patient was apparently asymptomatic an yr ago since then he developed pedal edema, SOB and he neglected the symptoms.

6 months ago because of the  aggrevated symptoms Pt. visited local hospital with c/o SOB bipedal edema and reduced urine output and he was diagnosed with renal failure (right kidney) and was on medication past 4 months . 

Then was admitted here in the opd for dialysis.

He had 3 dialysis session s.

History of past illness:

Diabetic .

Hypertensive since 22 yrs

H/o surgery- hydrocele 4 yrs ago

No TB, asthama

Personal history:


-alcoholic (occasional)

-appetite reduced


-bowels - reduced

Family history:

N/h of diabetes , hypertension,asthama

Pt. Brother expired due to similar issue.

General examination:

No ascities

Non pitting type of pedal edema

Ultra sound report:

1.3*1.4cms cyst in the interpolar region of the kindney(rf)
2*1.4cms of cyst in the lower part of the kindney(lf)

Simple renal cortical cyst

Partially distended gall bladder
Pancreas - obscured.

No lymphadenopathy

Provisional diagnosis:

Diabetic nephropathy.


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